Thursday, January 21, 2010

Genesis 22 is the account of Abraham's faith being tested by God, who asks him to sacrifice his son. When Abraham had obeyed God and did not withhold even his beloved son, God said again, " I will bless you richly..multiply your descendants into countless millions.. they will conquer their enemies..through them all the nations of the earth will be blessed --- all because you have obeyed me." Abraham had gone to the mountain and was going to sacrifice his son as God had told him, but the Lord had stopped him, saying "Do not hurt the boy.. for now I know that you truly fear God" . The Lord then provided a ram as a substitute sacrifice instead, so Abraham named the mountain "The Lord Will Provide". This chapter not only demonstrates the amazing faithfulness of Abraham, but more importantly reminds us again of God's vast love for His children in the way he provides and cares for them. This account nearly brings me to tears every time I read it, as I try to imagine the emotional struggle Abraham must have experienced as he decided to obey God and demonstrate his commitment to God above all else, even to give up his precious son. We can't help but see the parallel with the sacrifice of Jesus, whom God gave up for us -- what amazing love !