Wednesday, September 2, 2009

In 1 Cor 15, Paul provides instruction and clarification regarding bodily resurrection. The current Greek culture of Corinth ( and some even in the church at that time) believed that only the soul had any existence beyond death. Paul reminds the church of Corinth how important it is to "hold firmly" (=believe wholeheartedly ) the Good News which their faith is built on, namely "that Christ died for our sins, ... was buried, and was raised from the dead"(v.4). Paul explains that there were numerous witnesses , including all twelve apostles, more than 500 of His followers, James, and even Paul himself. All of these people were eye witnesses of Jesus resurrection to life. Paul is very extensive in providing historical facts and evidence of the truth of Jesus' resurrection, since faith in Jesus is futile otherwise. Paul says it is the power of His resurrection that "works through me by His grace". "Whatever I am now, it is all because God poured out his special favor on me. I have worked hard(er), yet it was not I but God who was working through me" (v.10). For further emphasis, Paul concludes by reiterating the importance of believing wholeheartedly in the truths of the Good News and to continually present yourself for the work of the Lord.