Wednesday, August 26, 2009

1 Cor 8 addresses food offered to idols , specifically whether Christians may eat such food. Paul offers many considerations, but the decisive factor is whether others present believe it to be immoral or sinful. Though we don't even acknowledge the existence of idols or gods other than our God, we must consider what affect our decision to eat such food will have on our weaker brethren. Paul says to "take care that this liberty of yours does not somehow become a stumbling block to the weak". Paul says that in becoming a hindrance to the weaker brethren, "wounding their conscience", you not only sin against them but also sin against Christ. There are probably many modern examples of situations that we need behave prudently also, being careful not to exercise our liberty in Christ in the presence of "weaker brethren". We must let love and edification of the body be the guiding rule in such decisions.