Wednesday, September 9, 2009

In 2 Cor 6 , Paul explains the importance of living in such a way that we do not "hinder" others from finding the Lord. Instead, we need to make it clear to unbelievers that we serve God, by being steadfast in troubled times, with sincere love and truthful speech, through glory and dishonor, good report or bad report, and being genuine at all times. Paul said to the Corinthians that he was speaking freely and opening wide his heart to them, not withholding his affections, and encouraged them to respond likewise. Paul had conveyed his true feelings, even harsh words, from his love for them. He wanted them to accept his exhortations in love.
Paul next warned them not to "partner with unbelievers", since fellowship with the lawless may weaken their Christian commitments to righteous behavior. Pall calls them to "be separate", so that He can fellowship with them and they can live as "sons and daughters of the Lord".