Saturday, August 1, 2009

In Acts 23, Paul is on trial before the Sanhedrin and knows He will likely face persecution, even death. Despite these circumstances, Paul declares confidently "I have fulfilled my duty to God in all good conscience to this day." They accused Paul of speaking against the teachings of the high priests, but Paul clarifies that he "stand(s) on trial because of his hope in the resurrection (of Jesus)". The teachers of the law argued vigorously and there was a great uproar. The dispute became violent and the Roman commander was afraid Paul would be torn to pieces. Though Paul was confident in God's omniscience and good purposes, he most likely was feeling a little less than peaceful during this time. Then, it says in v.11, "the Lord stood near Paul and said, 'Take courage!'. Just as God gracefully comforted Paul and provided him with encouragement, we can trust Him to "stand near to us" when we are in fearful circumstances.