Tuesday, November 17, 2009

1 Peter 2 teaches that He has chosen us that we "may grow up in our salvation" and we "are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood" now that we have "tasted that the Lord is good". We are called therefore as people belonging to God, to get rid of all malice, deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and abstain from sinful desires "which war against your soul". We have received His mercy and have been called "out of darkness into His wonderful light". Before pagans and also every authority, we must live good lives full of good deeds and in submission, bringing glory to God and silencing "the ignorant talk of foolish men". We are to show proper respect to others, love the brotherhood of believers, fear God, and honor the king. Finally, we must "entrust ourselves to Him who judges justly", just as Jesus did when he suffered and bore our sins on the cross.